What COVID-19 taught me about festivals
Today is Deepawali, an important festival for many Indians. The festival of light. However, this time it’s different. In fact, the entire year has been surreal and had several bittersweet experiences to offer and memories created — those that might last for a lifetime. Are festivals any different from ordinary, countless days? Perhaps they are, and this realization inspired me to pen down this piece.
Usually Deepawali, which is my favorite festival, is characterized by events — prayers, gifts, shopping, talking to family and friends, sweets, lighting, going out, and having fun. But this time a lot has been curtailed, and it has pushed me to look inward, at the real meaning of this and any other festival. What are prayers, gifts, sweets, cleaning of house, lighting deeyas meant for? Are they mere rituals or do they have some deep meaning?
Almost all festivals, across religions have survived for they carry deeper meanings. They are more symbolic than literal. However, under ordinary circumstances we get wound-up into the literal stuff — of performing rituals, buying, consuming, celebrating, meeting, etc., — and miss out on the hidden meaning. Isn’t Deepawali all about cleansing one’s mind and soul? Overcoming your ego, taking a pause from your routine and thanking God, sharing happiness with others, including strangers. Our routine lives don’t allow such thoughts to take shape, and hence festivals.
This year, since there is rather subdued celebration and uncharacteristic calmness, let’s take the opportunity to celebrate within. Being mindful of your life, the way it’s shaping up, the people who have made you and how you are impacting others around you. Take a pause and cut down on the anxiety of doing it all and doing it right, and rather try to understand the real meaning of all this. Something that hasn’t been seriously thought through beyond the rituals and ceremonies.
Remember, the festival of light is that of internal light and not so much external. So don’t get too busy again, this time to make it more like last year, rather see if you can take the opportunity, offered by coronavirus, to go deeper, confront your ego and dark self, resist the temptation of being perfect, and thank God for being alive, for you may not get this moment the next year!