The Real Dude

A lot may have power, but a very few understand how to use power effectively, and I am compelled to think and write about one such person as India’s Prime Minister.
He’s not a cricket celebrity or one from the Bollywood, and remains as one of the most admired people across the world. In India, the person’s charisma knows no bounds and he’s been relentlessly impressing individuals across age, cast, creed, educational background, or any other fault line, for at least past six years. His charisma hasn’t faded to an extent that even the opposition can’t but want to be in his camp. That’s our ‘Real Dude’.
Before our man came back to power, I wrote a short piece titled — The Mind of a Strategist, which elucidated five traits of PM, or for that matter any other effective leaders, namely-
- Honing a thick skin,
- Leveraging the power of words and imagery
- Adopting Judo tactics
- Forging distinct alliances, and
- Having an element of surprise.
I wished he returns to power, and self, along with millions of Indians, joined the rally cry to give India another chance to surge past its potential.
This piece is not so much about the strategic acumen of the person, but instead the dude that our PM is. Imagine, at the age of 68, he has the charm and vigor of a youth, an unparalleled wit, and a hard working spirit to the bones. His team members are truly in awe of the man, and so are millions across the country, including yours truly. Else politics remains a slippery slope for any commentary.
Let me add three more attributes that makes PM Modi the best dude around, in the league of Che Guevara.

Clarity of intent and dogged persistence
What’s your take on the abrogation of Article 370? Isn’t it thrilling. The impossible seems to be possible now and even more so. Notwithstanding the hardships in the short run, this is one major leap towards addressing multiple problems in one blow. Issues of unemployment, insurgency, distrust, and ensuing terrorism can well be reduced to an overflow of youthful energy, misdirected. If the youth gets engaged, a lot much prosperity can be seen.
Watch this piece, if you haven’t, and understand the meaning of dogged persistence. It takes real guts, and not many have the courage to commit and deliver.
And if you aren’t feeling the impact of the erstwhile deprivation, watch this one. That’s some ground reality.
That’s one Nation, finally.
Being on top of the game, physically and mentally
How many leaders do you see, or know of, that work for around 18 hours a day, tirelessly for over six years now (at least)? Whom are you competing against, after all?
The mental and physical stamina and the bearing of massive crap surrounding it, isn’t trivial. Here’re images to put forth the fitness regime.

Being physically fit and mentally agile ensures, at least, that people don’t mess with you, regularly. Also, it helps build a thick skin, essential for innovation.
Using the power of humor and sarcasm, effectively
Research suggests that creativity gets espoused by humor and even sarcasm, and that it further enables one to see things differently.
Our man doesn’t miss out on infusing a sense of humor and occasional wit (read sarcasm) to silence critics and win hearts. Here’s one of the best, so far.
I am proud to have Modi as my leader and a hero. The real dude.